And that, my friends, is why he is an English Major. But looking back, his posts have generally been:
1. On time, which is good considering it makes people thing we are all active on the blog when really just he is.
2. Funny. I was thoroughly amused for about 99% of his posts. Its just really hard to make some obligatory post about Alice funny.
3. Not lacking in some silly kind of media, be it a youtube video, some funny picture, or something like that.
4. Better than mine.
Now, I can deal with all these facts because, as previously mentioned, he is an English major so this is kind of his job. However, I still have a little problem with number 4. Now, I am a pretty competitive person, but also realistic. I am simply not going to be challenging Lance to a bike race or Kobayashi to an eating contest, or Kaleb to a "how much of an ass I can be in class" contest.
Ok, before I go any further with this I just have to say yes, I did Google Kaboyashi's name and spend about 20 minutes looking at the results, and found this. Kobayashi versus a BEAR.
Wasn't that awesome?! Anyway. I am, quite frankly, getting jealous of his posts. It was all fine and dandy when he was winning us blog votes, but since our initial 2 wins in a row, we have yet to repeat. I am unsatisfied with him as our leader. Now I thought to myself, there are 2 ways to handle this. I do have access to all his blog posts, I could simply go back to them and replace every adjective with "moist" and every third noun with "fart", but I figured that would be mean and immature and too much work. The second option was to simply outwrite the writer. Write better blog posts than him. This is what I tried to do with this post. And you can see how well it worked out. So I guess it is just not destined to be. Austin will forever beat us in the blogging world. But that doesn't mean I am going down without a fight. Take THIS English major! I hope it makes you and all your little English buddies cry. (This is how they are trying to teach kids English these days, by the way).
Inappropriate for minors too, btw.