Ramblings of a derranged mind
There are certain drugs that won't cloud your perception. There are certain drugs that open your mind and remove filters built into our brains that were put there so that we would have survival instincts. Some things make us uncomfortable when we're hungry, so that we want to eat rather than stare at the ceiling for the next few hours. There are certain wavelengths that our eyes aren't able to recognize; in fact, the "visible spectrum" is barely anything. When you really think about it, there's so much shit going on that we're completely oblivious to. For example, there could be an ultraviolet elephant sitting on your lap right now. Maybe not, but who knows for sure? When one starts to think about the sheer amount of things that exist that we're unaware of, it starts to become clear that although humans dominate this planet, we're far from elite or even special. Just because we've got bigger brains than the animals around us we think that we're the shit, but its like if we put a high school drop out in a room of 1st graders; of course he's relatively educated compared to them, in the greater scheme of things, he's next to nothing.
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