Craziest...thing ever.
So, unlike many things in this world, I was absolutely not mislead at all with the title of this video. "A Clockwork Orange" did not involve oranges, nor clocks. "This is Spinal Tap" did not involve a painful medical procedure. "The Breakfast Club" did not have one scene of them eating breakfast. "Craziest" DID involve the craziest woman on the face of the planet.
If she was real, which I suspected for a while until Dr. Parent told us otherwise, I would legitimately believe she is in the top 10 craziest people in the world list. What really gets me is that she was a senior at Cornell, so it's not like she was a dumb girl, just legitimately insane. Just proves being in a good school doesn't make you a smart person. At least, that's what I am going with to justify myself not being in an ivy league school.
The narrator's voice confirmed my believe she was crazy. I know it's hard to judge things like that based on the sound of one's voice, but she sounded like all those insane girls you hear in the movies. Plus the fact she was getting worked up over something as mundane as Scrabble is another sure sign she is crazy.
One other thing that annoyed me. She was explaining how a "novice" would assume there is a Q in the highest scoring word in Scrabble. But any idiot can see that the point value is clearly in the bottom right corner of every chip. There is a Z in "Craziest" worth 10, just the same as a Q, so I don't know why this is such a huge revelation. Instead of one 10 point letter, there is another, big deal. But now I am getting too emotionally invested in this and if I talk about it much more, I will be the crazy person worrying too much about Scrabble.
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