Many LOLz
I don't know about you guys, but I love comics. I remember when I was little reading Calvin and Hobbes and The Far Side and loved every minute of it. Now I have grown up and I thought it was appropriate for a "Digital Literature" blog (if that's even what we are) to feature a digital comic. Get it? We are going with a theme of moving from paper literature to digital literature? I am connecting this to the class! I'm really reaching...?
At any rate, on of my favorite web comics without a doubt is xkcd. Its usually pretty hilarious, although some days you kind of have to be more of a geek to get some of the references. As the site says they are: "A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.". We have a lot of language in our class, and certainly a lot of sarcasm, but I hope no romance, and probably no math, so I guess it relates to everyone in the class so, by this logic, everyone should like it. Here are a few of my personal favorites:

At any rate, on of my favorite web comics without a doubt is xkcd. Its usually pretty hilarious, although some days you kind of have to be more of a geek to get some of the references. As the site says they are: "A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.". We have a lot of language in our class, and certainly a lot of sarcasm, but I hope no romance, and probably no math, so I guess it relates to everyone in the class so, by this logic, everyone should like it. Here are a few of my personal favorites:
For the romance category. Plus Parent wanted us to be edgy and include porn and stuff. At least, that's what I think he said.
For the language category. This theory has never failed me.
For the sarcasm category. But this shouldn't be sarcastic. Everyone should do this. Seriously. You don't know how many morons frequent youtube. Example:

There ya go. Just go on youtube now if you don't believe me. Anything even slightly debatable has some idiots ranting in the comment section.

For the math section. In looking for good comics for this post, I found out a lot of the math ones aren't that funny unless you really like math and understand it. So this has a graph and numbers, I'm sure that's enough math for most of you. Especially you English Major types.
Labels: lol comics
I think I shall go and observe all of these. They really are hilarious. Sometimes it takes me a short minute of intense staring in order to understand 1) what's going on and 2) how it's funny, but when I get the joke I laugh bunches.
Good call.
Honestly, I found most of these to be pretty funny but nothing really too too special. However the last one is one of the most spot on and funny observations ive seen in some time. Ill be honest and say that ive been subject to humiliate myself in front of kittens before after being enamored by teir sheer cuteness. Good find
haha I really do like the last one also, not just with kittens but with any small fuzzy creature. Also un-like Kaleb who eventually figured out what some of the comics meant, I admit I did not get some of them... Also the comics I did get other then the last one I really did not find very funny.
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