Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's close to midnight, and something evil is lurking in the dark.

So, when I am having a writers block, the first thing I usually do is go to youtube or wikipedia. Great practices, I know. Its probably more for procrastination purposes than to actually get ideas, but on occasion it actually works. Take today. I didn't know what to write on this blog, so I perused my "Favorites" section on youtube. And lo and behold what did I find? Prisoners doing "Thriller". When I first saw this a few things crossed my mind. A) How did they get the idea for this? I mean, I know you are bored in prison, but how does recreating a MJ music video become the first thing you want to do? B) How did they organize/get permission for this? I always pictured prison from "The Shawshank Redemption", and those people did not seem like they would be up for any sort of singing and dancing. If your the one guy who thought of this, do you just go around asking people if they want to sing and dance in a music video? That seems grounds for getting beaten. Even if everyone was up for it (and apparently something like 100 of these inmates were) how do you convince the guards to let you do this? It must seem like the most far fetched idea ever. But maybe the guards wanted some entertainment? Although it seemed to be organized and choreographed too well to just be something the guards wanted for entertainment. They must have been involved I think. At any rate, it is done quite well and it worth watching (plus, who doesn't love the song "Thriller"? Everyone does.).

I'm not sure if this gives me much more or significantly less faith in our rehabilitation system.

I also hope someone just mindlessly watches the youtube video and doesn't read the post and thinks this is my digital story.



Blogger drrogers said...

Hahaha... This is the reason that I voted for your blog. Also at first I did think that it was your digital story. Keep up the funny posts.

October 5, 2008 at 11:44 AM  
Blogger charlotte snowe said...

oh man this is great! im not really sure what to think either! did you know that they have a soldier boy video too? haha

October 5, 2008 at 8:54 PM  

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