Friday, October 10, 2008

Getting Political

So a few classes ago Dr. Parent tried to explain why we are doing so well. The truth is, we ourselves don't really know, we kind of just blog for whatever reason we feel like at the time. But that all changes now. In an effort to become more "diverse" and "pander to all you blog voters who need another reason to vote for us again" I have decided to do something crazy and controversial that hasn't been done yet on these blogs.

Talk about politics.

It seems like a great solution right? I mean in class Rich (can I call him that?) said himself how there's this blog with over a millions views a day and if you write something slightly provocative then you can get on the main page. So talking about politics seems like a real draw in this blogging world, and maybe it will prove to you guys we are a nice diverse bunch of bloggers who are committed to change and ready for leadership on day one and....wait a sec.

But seriously folks. 
I am not a fan of Sarah Palin and, quite frankly, I don't see how anyone could be. She is probably the worst vice presidential candidate in the history of vice presidential candidates. I am convinced her pick was purely to buy voters because she really has no other draw. She has very little experience (with anything) and likes to hunt wolfs from helicopters. She is hypocritical with her whole deal about that pregnant daughter of hers and wanting abstinence only education. She is not very well spoken and, quite frankly, I don't like listening to her with that terrible accent. She's got really no idea whats going on in the McCain campaign and looked like a fool in that Katie Couric interview. The best thing she's got going is she looks like Tina Fey, and Fey's portrayal of her is dead on. I think it's funny because she doesn't have to try to hard to get people to laugh at her, Sarah Palin is funny by herself and provides most of the material. A lot of what Fey says is very close to what Palin herself actually says. So without further ado, here is a funny SNL skit about the VP debate. 

I hope that was political enough for you all, because odds are I won't be doing this again. Its too hard being so serious.


Blogger drrogers said...

The thing that really bugged me about Sarah Palin is when she would try to appeal to mothers and the "common man" by saying phrases that sounded ridiculous. She tried to appeal to mothers multiple times by just making references to things like a kids soccer game, which is a very weak argument to win a presidential debate. Also I think that Sarah Palin was chosen just to make Obama look bad for not choosing Hilary, not because she is a strong politician.

October 12, 2008 at 3:03 PM  

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