DUDE, Ben Peek reads out blogs.
Today I discovered Ben Peek reads our blogs (or did, maybe he still will because we have yet to discuss the end of the book). It was a very surreal moment when I found out. Kind of humbling as well. I mean, how often have you wanted to talk to the author about anything and everything in thier book? Reading his blog I found out he actually posted some of our responses on his blog. It looks like some of us in the class weren't expecting that, because some of the posts aren't exactly kind to the novel or to the author. I wonder to what level of offense (if any) he takes to that. I mean, I know not everyone can like a book and everyone is entitled to thier own opinions and all that jazz but if I worked hard on a book and thought it was good and worth publishing, I would be a little bias and think that it is a damn good book right? Then when people say otherwise, I would naturally get offended. But maybe real authors have learned to get over this and just ignore the critics, no matter what.
This makes me feel really stupid about my past obligitory 26 Lies post, because looking back on it now it was just something to do quick and dirty to get the requirement done so I could get on with my yucks and youtube videos. But now knowing he actually took a look at them and probably thought "Wow this kid has nothing intelligable to say or contribute to the discussion of my book" makes me. It's cool how simply the author outside the class knowing about our blogs vindicates these posts. Blog posts I would have otherwise not cared about now become meanful and worth returning too. Interesting how that works.
Anyway, thought it was cool the author was reading our blogs. Hi Ben Peek.
This is totally bitchin, I'm sure i would have been informed of this in class in a couple of hours but I thank you for bringing it to my attention earlier. Also props to Mr. Peek for involving himself with his readers.
Yeah, this is pretty bizarre. My post about his book has been pasted into his very own blog. I won't lie... I'm proud. I think this is pretty fucking awesome. I hope he keeps reading... almost makes we wanna get a livejournal so i can comment on his stuff. Almost.
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