An Ode to Barry Manilow

Laugh if you must but I am a fan of Barry Manilow. Affectionately deemed a "Fanilow."
Many would have you think Barry Manilow is terrible. But I'm throwing off the shackles of tyranny.
I'm afraid no longer. I will shout it from the hills, rooftops, and water tower. I love Manilow.
It may be because I'm actually a middle aged housewife. Or perhaps it is because I like terrible music.
But don't you judge me. You haven't been there. His lyrics speak to me. Straight to my heart.
They picked me up from my lowest point and straightened my life out. I dare say it made me a better person.
Where were you the first time you heard "Copacobana"? Didn't it rock you to your core? No, probably not.
Have you ever been in love with a girl named Mandy just to put the song "Mandy" on loop for three days?
He writes the songs that make the whole world sing, people. Who else could possibly make such a claim and be 100% correct?
So next time you hear the Manilow belting one out. Stop and think. Hey, there is at least one person who likes this.
Or you could listen to something cool like Led Zeppelin or Queen, I guess.
Strangely enough I have to agree with you. There is something strangely soothing about this older gentleman's voice, singing cliché lyrics about a girl named Mandy. Having been called Mandy myself (much to my dismay), I feel a certain connection. Plus my mom loves him, so whenever we're in the car and one of his songs come on, changing it is out of the question.
I love Queen!
But I also do love when Manilow sings of how he writes the songs that make the whole world sing. I didn't know it was Barry that sang that song, to be perfectly honest.
But I still wouldn't say that I love Manilow's music. He doesn't really have dulcet tones or calming rhythm. He is kind of like William Hung only with some talent.
Also, why would you post that you're a middle-aged housewife? I totally believe that now and will bet on it in the future. If you ever should become a middle-aged housewife, by the way, I will remind you of this blog post.
It will haunt you.
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