Thursday, September 11, 2008

Blowfish's take on Home Movies

Blowfish was borderline giddy in her retelling of her favorite story, Home Movies:
It was about a guy who's grandfather filmed home videos of their family as they spun around in the front yard, creating a sort of time lapse effect that showed how they'd grown over the years. As he watched his grandfather's videos he saw his mother, who divorced his father when he was a young child, and then eventually himself in his father's arms. He watched the videos with his father, and they compare their respective magnitudes of cuteness. He wonders what his father thinks; he knows that he's not the little boy that he once was, and he wonders if he has become everything that his father wanted him to be, being that he is, at the end of the story, a 30 year old Colorado Astronaut. My least favorite part was the abrupt ending, it seemed like there was more to the story. There wasn't much said about the Colorado Spaceman thing.


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