Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Slice of life

So I too read Slice like I was supposed to. It seems like it is big news on all the course blogs. So I am going to put in my thoughts as well. My initial reaction was that I enjoyed it quite a bit even though it was very short and inconclusive. I thought it was similar to the "lonelygirl15" videos on youtube. Just the way they used a new medium to tell a narrative starting in a seemingly normal fashion. I didn't really like the girl in Slice (Lisa?), she seemed to be painted as the stereotypical miunderstood teenager who loves Emily the Strange and listens to The Cure. It is just a little generic is all I'm saying.

I don't know if anyone else felt vibes of Alice in Wonderland. The obvious connection would be the hare going down a hole into another world followed by a young, curious, girl. That screams Alice to me. Also the appearances of cats all over the place like the Cheshire Cat (Mary Jane's stuffed cat, Claribella). That one is actually a stretch but I needed something else to make my comparison seem meanigful.

Like most people there are a few things I didn't quite understand. I mean, besides the normal questions like "where the hell did they go?" and "what happened?", there was one thing that just struck me as odd. I was confused on how Mary Jane's family really died (if they died at all). Slice said that they died in a car accident. Her parents said they died in a plane crash. Did they just "go through" as well?

I didn't email the characters because I didn't know if I would actually get a response but I think it would have been really neat to be immersed in an interactive experiance like this. I thought the story was told brilliantly and ended exactly where it should have. Can't wait to discuss it in class.



Blogger aujwat6 said...

Hey, you're right! This story does seem like Alice in Wonderland. I didn't think of that while I was reading Slice....good observation.
I also agree that Lisa's character was very generic. It seems that everyone only writes about people with problems nowadays, but I guess it sells. I mean, who would want to read about some normal girl who doesn't have any problems? It doesn't make for a good story in my opinion.

September 11, 2008 at 7:51 AM  

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